Dear inline hockey community,
We appreciate your messages and comments about access to the website and just to remind all that as advised we have been in the process of migrating our website to align to the Esports platform over the past few months. A number of links to these have been sent out which offer access to all documents.
Thanks for your continued support,
16Under/18Under League Weekend
Posted May 26, 2024
IHNZ 16U/18U Draft League “Be inspired - Inspire others”
IHNZ is encouraging all 16U and 18U players to sign-up and participate in a weekend where drafted teams will compete in August. An exhibition game will also take place on Saturday night. The event is planned for August 10-11 at a venue to be decided once players have indicated their interest. There will be a cost to cover venue hire and referees, this will be advised once numbers are known.
Players need to be IHNZ registered with their club.
The sign-up link is here and closes on June 28th
Outline of format
- Drafted teams to match skills base to create an evenly matched competition format.
- Number of teams will be determined by sign-ups.
- Must be IHNZ registered for 2024 with sign-up via esports link
- Teams will wear IHNZ league jerseys
- All Star Exhibition Game at 7pm Saturday for TEAM EPIC & TEAM WARRIOR
- All Stars Jerseys and Awards sponsored by EPIC HOCKEY and WARRIOR HOCKEY