Dear inline hockey community,

We appreciate your messages and comments about access to the website and just to remind all that as advised we have been in the process of migrating our website to align to the Esports platform over the past few months. A number of links to these have been sent out which offer access to all documents.

Thanks for your continued support,



MatarikiYouth Development

COVID-19 Update #3:

COVID-19 Update #3:

Posted May 01, 2020

Firstly, we would like to acknowledge the hugely challenging time Level 4 has been for not just our Inline community but New Zealand in general. Times of crisis only serve to emphasise the importance of support and understanding for all.

Welcome to Level 3!

Whilst not hugely different to Level 4 for most of us, it does signal a return to work for some and a slight relaxing of restrictions on the way businesses and organisations can operate.

As previously said, we may yet find ourselves moving in and out of levels, or with different levels across regions for an extended period. Whilst this will create operational and communication challenges, we will endeavour to navigate through these and provide a clear pathway for Inline Hockey that results in a degree of play in some shape or form as soon as possible.

We continue to work with Sport NZ who liaise with lead Government agencies to build clarity on how the sector might navigate future stages of the COVID-19 response, as it relates to all forms of physical activity. We will provide further clarification on what this means for our sector as soon as we receive any information.

For more information please see the latest updates here.

Preparing for Alert Level 2:
IHNZ will publish a statement in regards to playing hockey and club obligations at Level 2 once the government announcement has been made.

Preparation for Level 2 is focusing on 2 main issues - facilities and contact tracing. We are working in conjunction with Sport NZ on what Level 2 will look like. More clarity is needed and we expect this to be finalised late next week. This will include further defining the roles of clubs and how this will affect their clubs and players.

The sense is it will be less restrictive but have strong components around personal hygiene, facility management including the sanitising of venues, ensuring avoidance of people congregating at venues, separation policy, protection of playing gear and contact tracing.

Each club will need to ensure they meet the guidelines set out by MBIE and the Government.

At present Level 2 social distancing is 1 metre which makes any contact sport untenable still at this level. Contact sport is currently named as physical contact. Sport NZ and their National Sporting Organisations (NSO’s) have briefed the government on what is required but is a Ministry of Health (MOH) and associated Minister decision to ultimately make.

Further advice is being developed around the most appropriate cleaning and sterilisation process for sporting facilities, plant and equipment ahead of returning to play. Sport NZ are working with the Ministry of Health and are learning from other industries e.g. construction, as they ramp up operations under Level 3.

We will provide more advice on this as we move closer to Level 2.

Contact Tracing Apps/Templates:
Contact Tracing is the identification of individuals that have come into contact with people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and it is a fundamental precaution taken against the spread of the virus in the community.

There are two options for tracing, an app or a tracing template. Either can be used within a club but one must be chosen and the information available as and when needed.

Contact Tracing App:
We are currently looking at a phone based app that has a scannable QR code for venues that is fast, easy and hygenic to use. This information will be provided to clubs to implement if they choose to do so. More information to come next week for this.

Contact Tracing Template: 

View a template here.

Guidance issued by the Ministry of Health requires that all contact tracing templates must be kept for a period of 4 weeks. The information collected may only be used for the purpose of contact tracing at the request of the Ministry of Health or local district health boards.

Care should be taken in the maintenance of the register, with the following issues being addressed:

  • Transparency: Individuals must be made aware of the reason for the register, and what will happen to the information (it is suggested that the wording used that is at the top of the current template be kept).
  • Security: Keep the information safe, in a locked area and think about how to prevent individuals seeing the information provided by others on the register, e.g. could you cover the others’ details when later individuals sign in?
    Remember to not have one pen for all to complete the form with - each person should use their own pen.
  • Retention and Disposal: Securely dispose of the register after four weeks.
  • Use: The sole purpose of the register is for contact tracing.  Do not use the information for any other purpose, such as building your mailing list.
  • Disclosure: Do not give the register to other parties, or let individuals flick through it.

Should there be a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case among someone who visited your facility, you should contact Healthline’s dedicated COVID-19 hotline on 0800 358 5453. Health authorities will then decide whether to contact anyone else linked to the suspected or confirmed case.

Club President and IHNZ Meetings:
IHNZ hosted a meeting with Club Presidents on the 21st April to run through some possible scenarios as we go forward. This forum aims to foster two way communication between the Board and the Clubs allowing for fast dissemination of information and an avenue for the clubs to raise their concerns directly.

With the next government announcement on May 11th, we will continue to update our contingency and Post COVID-19 strategies for the next meeting scheduled on 19th May.

New AGM Date:
The IHNZ AGM was due to be held in May. The Board has decided to put this out to a tentative date of 25th July 2020.

Please hold off on flights bookings etc just yet as again things may change. We will advise more once more information is known in regards to alert levels.

Interactive Sessions:
These are continuing on a Monday and Wednesday and have been well received to date - we encourage you to join in from the link on either Facebook or your Club site for the times.

Note the timings have changed to the evenings due to Tara returning to work.

We will continue to update all clubs and members as information comes to hand and encourage you to email any questions or queries to We will endeavor to answer these as quickly as possible.

Rest assured we are doing everything possible to work toward the goal of endeavouring to have hockey to play in the foreseeable future.

Stay safe all,
IHNZ Board