Dear inline hockey community,

We appreciate your messages and comments about access to the website and just to remind all that as advised we have been in the process of migrating our website to align to the Esports platform over the past few months. A number of links to these have been sent out which offer access to all documents.

Thanks for your continued support,



MatarikiYouth Development

COVID-19 Update January 2021 #1

COVID-19 Update January 2021 #1

Posted January 21, 2021

Happy New Year to all our members!

Here is our latest update as we continue to keep our clubs and members up to date with what is happening within the Inline community and across New Zealand.

The IHNZ Calendar has been distributed to all clubs, posted to Facebook and the IHNZ website. We have a full year of events, training sessions and courses in 2021.

The Referee course Expression of Interest has also gone out and we encourage those wishing to become a referee to sign up. Speak with your club for further information.

The Sporty database is also ready to accept 2021 registrations and your club will be contacting you with registration information in due course.

We encourage all clubs to keep in contact with their members and email their 2020 databases, post on their Facebook and websites etc. and encourage members to return in 2021.

COVID-19 Update

With the first tournament underway in February, it is timely to remind all to remember some guidelines for COVID-19.

The main controls protecting New Zealand at present are border restrictions and managed isolation or quarantine for people entering the country. Cabinet is reviewing these and from 15 January further restrictions apply to all those entering the country.

Sport, active recreation and play at present looks much like it did pre COVID-19, just with border restrictions. There are no restrictions on businesses and services (including hospitality), no restrictions on gathering, no requirements for physical distancing, although all businesses and services must display a QR code for contact tracing purposes.

Over the summer period contact tracing has lapsed across New Zealand. The capacity to undertake rapid contact tracing is critical to enable quickly getting on top of and suppressing any future outbreak.

Whilst none of the public health requirements are mandatory, we ask all to continue to practice good hygiene to minimise the risk of community transmission. Furthermore, please be vigilant and use the app at rinks and all public venues.

The 10 Golden Rules:

  • If you’re sick, stay home. Don’t go to work, school or socialise.
  • If you have cold or flu-like symptoms, call your doctor or Healthline. Get tested.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Sneeze or cough into your elbow and regularly clean shared surfaces.
  • You must self-isolate if you’re told by officials to do so.
  • Stay healthy, work with your GP if you have underlying health issues.
  • Keep track of where you’ve been.
  • Businesses help people track movements by displaying the QR code.
  • Stay vigilant.
  • Be kind to others and be kind to yourself.

At present large gatherings are able to go ahead. If an outbreak occurs, controls on gatherings will be one of the first responses as the country attempts to manage risk. Tournament organisers should be aware they may be asked to postpone or cancel gatherings under the circumstances if a significant outbreak has occurred or case numbers increase.

Event organisers should follow the COVID Code to enable rapid contact tracing and good hygiene practices.


We will continue to update all clubs and members as information comes to hand and encourage you to email any questions or queries to

We will endeavor to answer these as quickly as possible.

Stay safe all,
IHNZ Board