Creating a positive parent culture: A guide for schools and clubs
Posted May 09, 2022
Sport NZ
Creating a positive parent culture: A guide for schools and clubs
Are the parents at your sports club or school assets and allies or are they antagonists? In this guide, we outline four areas for sports clubs and schools to consider in order to create a positive culture for (and with) sports parents and whānau.
The information in this guide is intended to support schools and clubs consider their approach to parent engagement. We have broken it down into four main categories:
- Language
- Culture and Environment
- Understanding Parents and Whānau
- Communication and Information
No Coach is an Island: Coaching in Competition
In this article, Simon Toole discusses coaching feedback and intervention from the sideline.
The all too familiar sights (above) at the side of a kid’s sports competition, and the sounds to match. As an interested observer and listener I find it really interesting to watch and listen to these coaches, and I do wonder…which of the instructions, if any, do the players hear or process?…have the kid’s been supported and prepared for the situation they’re in, if so much instruction is needed?… and is the communication from the ‘side-lines’ helping the kids develop their decision making ability for the longer term?
How do I support my child to maintain a love of sport, regardless of ability?
In this article we respond to the following question submitted to the Balance is Better team – Help, my boy is not as talented as other players (including his siblings) and he now knows it. How do I help him keep a love of sport?