Dear inline hockey community,

We appreciate your messages and comments about access to the website and just to remind all that as advised we have been in the process of migrating our website to align to the Esports platform over the past few months. A number of links to these have been sent out which offer access to all documents.

Thanks for your continued support,



MatarikiYouth Development

IHNZ Update - 24 August 2021

IHNZ Update - 24 August 2021

Posted August 24, 2021

Oceanias 2022:

With the latest Government announcement regarding COVID-19, IHNZ has made the decision to also postpone the first Oceanias camp scheduled 11/12 September for the female grades.
This means:

  • no camps will happen prior to the dates planned in December 2021
  • the date for Oceanias 2022 will move to July 2022 at the earliest allowing for more camps to happen early in 2022
  • As the dates have now changed there may be members who can now attend and due to this being a fluid situation the Expression of Interest form will open up again until Wednesday 31 November. Link to form:

Those who have paid a deposit and a camp fee to date have 2 choices:
 i)  leave this as paid and a receipt will be issued
ii)  opt to have these funds returned
Please contact with your requirements.

Nationals 25 Anniversary:

Whilst there is no change to our planned event as yet, we are however looking at a number of contingency plans that involve potentially splitting Nationals out into smaller groups both on the original dates and over separate dates. Whilst not ideal for our 25th anniversary, we are working through viable solutions to minimise any impacts on our members.
We will continue to update all clubs and members as information comes to hand and  encourage you to email any questions or queries to

Stay safe everyone, 
IHNZ Board.