
MatarikiYouth Development

Recognising Dedication and Contribution

Posted August 15, 2024

Kia ora Hockey Whānau,

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and express our heartfelt gratitude to both Bonnie Pert and Roxcie Lee for their service to Inline Hockey New Zealand (IHNZ). Bonnie has served as our Tūī Chair, and Roxcie as our Tūī Secretary. Bonnie and Roxcie have recently made the difficult decision to resign from their roles. We respect and understand their decisions.

Despite this, the Tūī team has graciously committed to seeing through the remaining work for the Junior InterConference until mid-September, ensuring a smooth and seamless transition.

Balancing the demands of a volunteer role with life’s responsibilities is no small feat, and both Bonnie and Roxcie have done so with grace and determination. Their personal sacrifices and tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed, and for that, we are all incredibly grateful. We sincerely hope they both remain connected to the IHNZ community.

As we look to the future, I want to share with you some important updates. The IHNZ Board is presently reviewing and updating the job descriptions for all conference roles. This process is crucial to ensure that these roles are compliant with recent changes to IHNZ policies. Also, this review gives us a valuable opportunity to reflect on and refine these roles, making sure they continue to serve our community’s needs.

We are also developing a guiding framework for conferences. This framework will address key issues raised in the 2024 Club Survey, helping us to create a more unified and effective approach to the way we operate.

Community feedback is invaluable, and we are committed to both listening and making the necessary improvements to build a stronger, more unified inline hockey community.

Let’s unite with a shared focus on making more hockey happen. By embracing positivity, working together as a team, and celebrating our successes, we can not only expand our sport but also strengthen our community. As we move forward, let’s also take a moment to express our deep gratitude to Bonnie and Roxcie. Too often, the sacrifices and dedication of our volunteers go unrecognized; it’s essential that we celebrate their contributions and show the appreciation they deserve.

Ngā manaakitanga,
