
IHNZ Policy documents can also be found under the IHNZ Policy.

Events Notices

2024 Nationals Event Notice (released 24 May 2024)

2023 Event Notice (v3)

2022 InterRegionals Event Notice (updated 10/02/2022)

2022 Nationals Event Notice - Junior (updated 06/03/2022)

2022 Nationals Event Notice - Senior (updated 06/03/2022)

2020 Inter-Regionals Event Notice

2020 Nationals Event Notice

2018 Events Notice

2017 Events Notice Guidelines (amended)

2017 Block Schedule

2016 Events Notice Guidelines

IHNZ Constitution

2021 IHNZ Constitution

2018 IHNZ Constitution (as approved AGM 2018)

2016 IHNZ Constitution (as approved AGM 2016)

2015 NZIHA Constitution ( as approved AGM 2015)

Guideline Documents

Regional Committee Guideline

Citizenship for International Representation

Sport Anti-Doping Information

Sport NZ Anti Doping Rules



Health and Safety Guidelines

The Health and Safety Reform Bill comes in to force this year. Please find information links below to assist clubs with their responsibilities.

Website Templates and Information from "Worksafe"

Sport NZ Health & Safety Manual Template (Word)

Health and Safety Reform

People Management Toolkit

Event Hazard Management Guide

Site Safety Checklist

Hazard Register Template

Accident Investigation Template

First Aid Register

Incorporated Societies Act Reform

Incorporated Societies Act (Changes are coming)

XRB Financial Reporting Standards

Templates and Information

Club Information - to assist club administrators

Funding Guidelines

(DOC) Club Volunteer templates (SNZ)

Sport NZ Game Funding Report

Volunteer Guideline (SNZ)

Volunteer Toolkit (Harbour Sport)

Regional Sports Trusts

League Development Guideline

Officials Tips (SNZ)

Facilities Framework (SNZ)

Resource Material Statement
Use Of Resource Material

NZIHA is a not for profit sporting association endeavouring to promote and develop inline hockey within New Zealand. With limited local resources, material has been sourced from international sites to help and assist developing inline hockey within New Zealand.

  • Please note that New Zealand Inline Hockey acknowledge that some resource materials made available from this site may contain material infringing owner’s copyright. If such material is found and a take-down notice is received this will be honoured immediately.

  • Please note that material has been sourced from the web to provide resources to develop sporting activity.

  • NZIHA and its members do not gain financial benefit directly attributable to any resource material on this site.

  • NZIHA will act expeditiously to remove or disable access to any material (such as by taking away the link) upon obtaining knowledge or awareness that the material is infringing or upon receiving a properly drafted notice of infringement.